823 R884hs 1998 c.1
The third book that I read was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
This book talks about a boy who is a wizard, and he is so importart in the wizard’s world. The name of the boy is Harry Potter and he is important, because when he was a child a wicked wizard killed his parents and at the same time this wizard tried to kill him, but it didn’t happen, and nobody knew why Voldemort, the wicked wizard, couldn’t kill him. This fact caused that Harry was famous and also he was called “the guy who lived”.
When Harry was eleven years old, he lived a lot of exciting experiences, because he didn’t know he was a wizard. Since he was 1 years old he lived with his relatives and then he went to a magic school called Howarts. One of the rules that a student had in the school was they couldn’t go to the third floor.
One day Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione went to the third floor and they found a dog with three heads that was standing over something. The guys thought that something was hidden in the school, so they decided investigate what thing it was. They discovered that a powerful stone was hidden in the school, but worse than that, one of the teachers was trying to steal the stone.
Harry, Ron and Hermione decided to go to the third floor and during this crossing, Harry stayed alone with his teacher, Mr. Quirrell. Unfortunately, in that room was Voldermort as well. Voldemort was hidden in the head of the teacher, and they were trying to steal the stone, because this stone would help Voldemort to be immortal.
Harry and Voldemort fought and then Voldemort disappear. After that, Harry was in the sickbay and Dumbledore told him that stone had been destroyed.
It was a strange, but at the same time an exciting year for Harry, and he just wanted to learn more things in the next year.