domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010
jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010
Veronika decide morir

B 869.3 C673v.E c.1
To begin with the book that I’ve read is called “Veronika decide morir” by Paulo Coelho. This book talks about the story of Veronika, a woman who decided to die. She really felt her life didn’t have sense, so, she tried to commit suicide. In my opinion the book is awesome due to it showed me the importance of our lives, and also with the story of Veronika I could see that life is constantly giving us different thing to live, but the problem is that we don’t see that things.
Firstly, I think that the book made me think about the importance that our lives have. Sometimes we feel that our life is boring or maybe we think that life is monotonous and tedious. Through the story of Veronika, I could realize that we, as human beings, make a lot of mistakes in our lives and when we are in troubles or when we don’t find any sense to our lives, we take wrong decisions that really can affect us.
Secondly, I’m totally convinced that life is always giving us different things and opportunities that we have to take advantage. The problem is that we don’t see them or maybe we are so negative people. Unfortunately, negativism is affecting our society badly. We do not want to live and we do not make anything for enjoying our lives. So it is important to know that we are the main character in our lives and we are the responsible of taking all the opportunities that are in front of us.
To conclude, I really recommend this book, because it is interesting and also we can learn something through the story. Besides, we can feel through the book different things such as, anger, love, regret, sadness, among other things.
sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010
Making changes

Before I saw the video about "how Mr. Condom made Thailand a better place", I realized the importance that small groups have in the world. We can see in television that groups of students in our country are fighting for Mapuche cause and i really think that if a person wants to give his opinion or a group want to express a point of view, we as a society can change our mind slowly.
The most important thing is being clear in our point of view; It means that we don't have to show 2 different faces depending on the place.
In relation with the video they planned to do something and then with effort, they could see the different consequences of their actions. They helped Thailand and they gave help to improve life quality in Thailand families.
This is a good example for us, we have to be constant in our thinking and fight for all the things we think are fair for our society. As the video showed us, we can make small groups, put different goals and transmit our view to other people.
Different ideas or different changes of life done in a good way can improve our society and at the same that it can create a better and fair society.
Future is in our hand!!!
jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010
Twenty-four :)

One of my favorite songs is “twenty – four” by Switchfoot. Actually, I don’t remember when the first time I heard it was, but the only thing that I know is that this song made me feel relaxed and at the same time it was easy to understand.
I can interpret this song, specially one part that says “Life is not what I thought it was, twenty four hours ago”. When I listen to this phrase I can think that it’s true, life is changing all the time, we are not the same people that we were yesterday or 12 hours ago. Every day we are living new things, meeting new people, thinking new things. So, with this song I can feel that I have to enjoy every single moment to the most.
I really recommend this song, and I hope you can listen to it
Here is the link if you want to list to the song :)
Twenty-four oceans
Twenty-four skies
Twenty-four failures
And twenty-four tries
Twenty-four finds me
In twenty-fourth place
With twenty-four drop outs
At the end of the day
Life is not what I thought it was
Twenty-four hours ago
Still I'm singing 'Spirit,
take me up in arms with You'
And I'm not who I thought I was
Twenty-four hours ago
Still I'm singing 'Spirit,
take me up in arms with You'
There's twenty-four reasons
To admit that I'm wrong
With all my excuses
Still twenty-four strong
See, I'm not copping out
Not copping out
Not copping out
When you're raising the dead in me
Oh, oh
I am the second man
Oh, oh
I am the second man now
Oh, I am the second man now
And you're raising these...
Twenty-four voices
With twenty-four hearts
All of my symphonies
In twenty-four parts
But I want to be one today
Centered and true
I'm singing 'Spirit take me up in arms with You'
You're raising the dead in me
Oh, oh
I am the second man
Oh, oh
I am the second man now
I am the second man now
And you're raising the dead in me
I wanna see miracles
To see the world change
Wrestled the angel for more than a name
For more than a feeling
For more than a cause
I'm singing 'Spirit, take me up in arms with You'
And you're raising the dead in me
Twenty-four oceans
With twenty-four hearts
All of my symphonies
With twenty-four parts
Life is not what I thought it was
Twenty-four hours ago
Still I'm singing 'Spirit,
take me up in arms with You'
I'm not copping out
Not copping out
jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

823 R884hs 1998 c.1
The third book that I read was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
This book talks about a boy who is a wizard, and he is so importart in the wizard’s world. The name of the boy is Harry Potter and he is important, because when he was a child a wicked wizard killed his parents and at the same time this wizard tried to kill him, but it didn’t happen, and nobody knew why Voldemort, the wicked wizard, couldn’t kill him. This fact caused that Harry was famous and also he was called “the guy who lived”.
When Harry was eleven years old, he lived a lot of exciting experiences, because he didn’t know he was a wizard. Since he was 1 years old he lived with his relatives and then he went to a magic school called Howarts. One of the rules that a student had in the school was they couldn’t go to the third floor.
One day Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione went to the third floor and they found a dog with three heads that was standing over something. The guys thought that something was hidden in the school, so they decided investigate what thing it was. They discovered that a powerful stone was hidden in the school, but worse than that, one of the teachers was trying to steal the stone.
Harry, Ron and Hermione decided to go to the third floor and during this crossing, Harry stayed alone with his teacher, Mr. Quirrell. Unfortunately, in that room was Voldermort as well. Voldemort was hidden in the head of the teacher, and they were trying to steal the stone, because this stone would help Voldemort to be immortal.
Harry and Voldemort fought and then Voldemort disappear. After that, Harry was in the sickbay and Dumbledore told him that stone had been destroyed.
It was a strange, but at the same time an exciting year for Harry, and he just wanted to learn more things in the next year.
jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010
My country

I think that the feeling of Chilean identity everyday is less, because of all the problems and inequality that our country has. For example, there are people especially poor and native people who don’t feel they are part in our society. Sometimes it’s because they don’t have money or they are only different.
Nowadays, people are not informed about our native culture and that’s the reason why sometimes we discriminate the different ethnic groups, and also we don’t respect the thinking of that people.
For example, at school teachers teach us some special things about mapuches, but no more than that, and it’s really important we realize that native cultures are an important part in our national identity.
Apart from that, there are things that really like me about my country, for example: despite of all the mistakes that we make, we are happy, in some cases united, and that are things that we have to improve everyday apart from being more conscious about our problems related to inequality.
On the other hand, one thing that really disappoints me is the education, and education is totally related to create conscious. I think that if we want to be a better country, and also we want to have a better life quality and being more equal, we have to improve the education.
In this bicentenary, we have to put new goals to be better everyday.
jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010
Como agua para chocolate.

The book that I read is called “Como agua para chocolate”, by Laura Esquivel. The story talks about the life and the forbidden love of Tita and Pedro, the main characters.
Tita and Pedro are not allowed to get married, because Tita has to look after her mother until she dies. I think that Laura Esquivel did a very good job writing this book, because through it, we can feel almost all the things that the characters are feeling.
I’m really convinced that the author could reach her goal with this book, because I can imagine all the things that the book tries to show us, for example: a forbidden love, sadness, anger, desire and in the final of the story satisfaction due to they could be together despite of the years.
I can’t find a relationship between the title of the book and the story, it’s a little bit complicated give an interpretation, but like in the book said, the love between Tita and Pedro is like “agua y chocolate”.
Apart from that, I could learn something reading this book and this is that we don’t have to private the real love between two people, but more than that; if we have children, we don’t have to repress what they feel.
To sum up, I recommend this book, because it’s easy to understand and at the same time it’s a love story that shows the real love between two people. Also this story shows us that when two people are feeling real love, they can do everything they want for reach the most special thing, being with the loved one.
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